Zoe Saldaña teams up with her husband, Marco Perego, for his first feature directorial and screenwriting debut. “The Absence of Eden,” follows the story of a young woman who flees from Mexico to the United States. The story intertwines with that of a border patrol agent who falls in love with an undocumented woman and battles between romantic love and his love for the law. (April 8)

Zoe Saldaña and Garrett Hedlund on exploring humanity though border thriller ‘The Absence of Eden’

Zoe Saldaña teams up with her husband, Marco Perego, for his first feature directorial and screenwriting debut. “The Absence of Eden,” follows the story of a young woman who flees from Mexico to the United States. The story intertwines with that of a border patrol agent who falls in love with an undocumented woman and battles between romantic love and his love for the law. (April 8)