Eddie Murphy and Tracee Ellis Ross hope their new holiday film, “Candy Cane Lane,” becomes a future Christmas classic. The Prime Video release, which premieres Dec. 1, follows Chris Carver (Murphy) who’s obsessed with winning his neighborhood’s annual Christmas home decoration contest, but unknowingly strikes a deal with a mischievous elf who brings the Twelve Days of Christmas to life. (Nov. 29) (AP Production by Gary Gerard Hamilton)
Eddie Murphy hopes ‘Candy Cane Lane’ puts you in the Christmas spirit
Eddie Murphy and Tracee Ellis Ross hope their new holiday film, “Candy Cane Lane,” becomes a future Christmas classic. The Prime Video release, which premieres Dec. 1, follows Chris Carver (Murphy) who’s obsessed with winning his neighborhood’s annual Christmas home decoration contest, but unknowingly strikes a deal with a mischievous elf who brings the Twelve Days of Christmas to life. (Nov. 29) (AP Production by Gary Gerard Hamilton)