As a crucial climate lawsuit heads to trial in Germany next week, experts say the case - brought by Peruvian farmer Saul Luciano Lliuya against German energy giant RWE - could set a significant precedent in the fight to hold major polluters accountable for climate change. Lliuya’s lawsuit against RWE argues that the company’s historical greenhouse gas emissions have fueled global warming, accelerating glacial melt above his hometown of Huaraz, Peru. (AP/Mauricio Muñoz and Steven Grattan)

Peruvian farmer’s case against German energy giant RWE could reshape global climate accountability

As a crucial climate lawsuit heads to trial in Germany next week, experts say the case - brought by Peruvian farmer Saul Luciano Lliuya against German energy giant RWE - could set a significant precedent in the fight to hold major polluters accountable for climate change. Lliuya’s lawsuit against RWE argues that the company’s historical greenhouse gas emissions have fueled global warming, accelerating glacial melt above his hometown of Huaraz, Peru. (AP/Mauricio Muñoz and Steven Grattan)